Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Quiz: Unfolded


moonbone: illustrates repetition, "song of the moonbone" reveals fertility of lagoon.

property: need armies to protect state/agriculture. The priest/farmer/warrior. must advance culture in order to survive.

agriculture: the advancement of agriculture killed orality. Story of Genesis and God sending Adam to toil the earth for food. Ex. Farmer's made calanders.

practical: orality warns cultures through experience. The Rainbow Snake means flood. Vox says, "Red sky at night, sailors take delight; Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning".

white berries: don't eat them. the story of the kid getting diarria.

caribou and frogs: warriors rubbed frog skin for drug-like enhancement. (lost knowlege). Decline in caribou, great hole in ground were caribou disappear, rabbits will pull their skin away and the caribou will return to the spirit world. Scientists were wrong about overhunting. The myth led scientist to see the migration between the three herds--thought to be independent.

myth: the song the earth sings to itself. Humans over hear it.


primary orality: no contact with the written world. pure orality.

secondary orality: A oral culture influenced by a written culture. shift from written to print to electronic.

chirographic: means "writting".

typographic: means "typing"

vision v.s sound: An oral culture only has sound, no visable text. Man's sense of the cosmos, sound is all around me. man is at the center of cosmos (naval of the world). Vision of maps led humans to see the world as ' something laid out before be explored."

Plato's thoughts of writting--------------------------------------------------------------------

From Ong, pg. 79: Destroys memory. Makes man less studious. Writing is passive, out of it, in an unreal world, unnatural world. Can't critique writing without writing. Same for technology. writting cannot defend itself--speech is a give and take between real persons.

From Yates, pg. 38

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