Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Quiz: Unfolded II.....after my diner.

Plato's thoughts on writing from Yates, pg. 38: writing--you have invented an elixir not of memory but of reminding, the appearance of wisom, but not true wisdom. Makes minds weak and dependent.


Simonedes: memory theatre, the wedding story (everyone dies and he remembers their name by where they were sitting.

Rhetoric: we use language for persuasion

Ethics: scholastics, reminds us of heaven and hell.

Cosmos: practical, engages us with the universe.

St. Augutine: trained in memory. stores images in a large and boundless chamber. The Cave holds images. memory, understanding, and will.

Class Questions---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Seven liberal arts: GGRAMAD. Gramar, Geometry, Rhetoric, Arithmatic, Music, Astronomy, and Dialect

Neoplatonism: mystisism

John's B-day: Feb 20

Anamnesis: Recollectioin

When was Brunno burnt at stake: 1600, feb 17

Parataxis: simple, short, fragmentated sentences. "I came. I saw. I Conquered."

Bicameralism: right hemisphere spoke uncontrollably attributed to the gods and the left processed into speech.

Esoteric: Secret, private, not for the masses

Imagination: one hour photo. memory through imagination.

Shahar Azad: 1001 nights, stalls king. Open ended stories. Beowulf was told in three nights.

Artifical v.s Natural Memory: artifical is learned and natural you are born with.

Collective v.s Personal Unconscious: The personal unconscious includes anything which is not presently conscious, but can be. The personal unconscious is made up essentially of contents which have at one time been conscious but have disappeared from consciousness through having been forgotten or repressed. The collective unconscious is also known as "a reservoir of the experiences of our species."

Phaedrus: Plato used to denouce writing, should be inside your mind.

Sexton giving blood or Green Blood: St. Patrick's day or march 17

Kevin's three interest: memory, imagination, and soul

Epiphets: brave solider, sturdy oak, beautiful princess. Kate of beautiful eyes.



The Quiz: Unfolded


moonbone: illustrates repetition, "song of the moonbone" reveals fertility of lagoon.

property: need armies to protect state/agriculture. The priest/farmer/warrior. must advance culture in order to survive.

agriculture: the advancement of agriculture killed orality. Story of Genesis and God sending Adam to toil the earth for food. Ex. Farmer's made calanders.

practical: orality warns cultures through experience. The Rainbow Snake means flood. Vox says, "Red sky at night, sailors take delight; Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning".

white berries: don't eat them. the story of the kid getting diarria.

caribou and frogs: warriors rubbed frog skin for drug-like enhancement. (lost knowlege). Decline in caribou, great hole in ground were caribou disappear, rabbits will pull their skin away and the caribou will return to the spirit world. Scientists were wrong about overhunting. The myth led scientist to see the migration between the three herds--thought to be independent.

myth: the song the earth sings to itself. Humans over hear it.


primary orality: no contact with the written world. pure orality.

secondary orality: A oral culture influenced by a written culture. shift from written to print to electronic.

chirographic: means "writting".

typographic: means "typing"

vision v.s sound: An oral culture only has sound, no visable text. Man's sense of the cosmos, sound is all around me. man is at the center of cosmos (naval of the world). Vision of maps led humans to see the world as ' something laid out before be explored."

Plato's thoughts of writting--------------------------------------------------------------------

From Ong, pg. 79: Destroys memory. Makes man less studious. Writing is passive, out of it, in an unreal world, unnatural world. Can't critique writing without writing. Same for technology. writting cannot defend itself--speech is a give and take between real persons.

From Yates, pg. 38

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Who knows a nuerologist?

We can test the methods of Yates, Ong and Kane research and suggest. Cognitive neuroscientist can hook some of us up to an eletrophysiological device (completely safe) and scan our neural circuitry before and after this class.
By placing note cards around my house, I have turned into more than a dwelling--it is a brain. I can feel myself thinking differently. I find myself asking, "would that building make a better representation of Ong's 9 points, or would that tree?" This different way of thinking could alter neuroactivity. It is my hypothesis that this class is expanding the way we use our brain, using more of it. We need a doctor and some machines. Does MSU have any of this stuff?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Out of the gate, late.

I chose 'memory orgasm' because something funny happens to us when we remember. I couldn't think of something...oh yeah, it was a movie with that one guy...oh yeah, Bill Murry. It had to do with him being a mental patient. I had some other clues in my mind like a doctor, and him being on t.v., then Bill Murry drove the doctor insane. Forever, I thought. 'WHAT ABOUT BOB?'! I remembered. It felt good. My endorphins were playing like happy dolphins inside my head. Sex is still better.

So, I examined that sensation. Why did it feel so good to remember something so stupid? There's a scientific reason, I'm sure, but scientific reasoning always kill the mood, ya know.

Same thing with tests. You can stare at the same stupid question for 10 minutes...BOOM. You remember. The dolphins start playing and not because you're gonna get your two points, but because you remembered.

However, memory sucks. Memory can cause pain, for years. I can remember bad things from my life, and the dolphins don't play anymore and my mind is an empty sea. I can hear them cry.

Memory is dangerously wonderful. We should be careful with these exercises. Pick 50 happy things.